Friday, April 25, 2014

First Rule of Mission Work- Be Flexible

So, when I went to Guatemala in the summer of 2012 I was repeatedly told to be flexible, things won't happen like you plan them, they will happen the way God plans them. That's why three weeks ago when I heard my trip to Uganda was being cancelled I was shocked. Then I realized that I was forgetting about God's plan. It was time for me to be flexible and trust in God. I was fully funded and ready to go, so all I need was someplace to go to. So I called up my friends and asked for help finding a new internship placement. And what do you know, God had a plan all along. I am delighted to say that I'm leaving in less than a month for Thailand for a three month internship. I will be teaching English, working with a newly opened preschool, and tutoring local children. I am really excited and feel so blessed to serve a big God whose plans are always better than my own.

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