Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Preparing for Goodbyes, and Hellos

This week I am preparing to say many goodbyes. Although I have 3 weeks until I am home again, I have only a few short days with my friends here in Myanmar. I am heading back to Thailand soon to spend my last two weeks. I don’t know what plan God has in store for this trip back to Thailand, but I do know for sure that God has asked me to go there. I have learned a lot of valuable lessons on this trip. Like God’s plan and my plan are not the same, even if my plan was good and based in a desire to serve. God’s plan can’t be stopped. And if you ignore what He tells you He will come back and enforce His plan. My mother can tell you how I felt about my trip to Uganda before it all feel apart. She would tell you that I was filled with a lot of misgivings about the trip and wondering if I had missed God’s call. But I shouldn’t have worried, because He certainly got me where He wanted me in the end. Of course, it was a bit of a stressful process. So this time when I felt His call, and was sure it was His call after a lot of prayer, to return to Thailand, it was an immediate yes.

Out here in Myanmar I am surrounded by some great, Godly people. But it’s very different when you are surrounded by people outside your culture. Many time, when I faced a challenge, it was just me and God. Although I yearned for some kind of companion who felt the same things I felt I know that this trip has caused me to rely on God more than I ever had before. And I wasn’t alone at any point. Not only was the God over everything here with me but I have an entire support system back home that has helped me in some many ways I cannot express them all. Through email, messages, and phone calls I have received so much encouragement and much needed guidance, even when I was having a complete mental breakdown. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

I am living a dream I have had since sixth grade. I never thought I would be here doing this. I never thought God had this plan for my life. If this is how it starts I can’t wait to see where God takes me next! It can only get better from here!





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